June 25, 2025. Scientific and practical conference with international participation “Beekeeping in Ukraine: History, Development, and Industry Status

Dear all who wish to participate!

We invite you to participate in the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Beekeeping in Ukraine: History, Development, and Industry Status”, included in the UKRINTEI registry, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of P.I. Prokopovich’s birth. The conference will be held on June 25, 2025, at the National Scientific Center “P.I. Prokopovich Institute of Beekeeping” (03143, Kyiv, 19 Zabolotny Street).
The conference will feature two scientific sections:

  • First section: Beekeeping production technology; breeding and selection work; forage base of beekeeping and pollination of agricultural crops; prevention and treatment of bee diseases; quality and safety of beekeeping products; ecology; history of beekeeping.
  • Second section: Apitherapy; Apitherapeutic Research Competition in the format of theses and reports.

Participation format:– Hybrid (offline/online). Registration is mandatory via the provided link.

languages: Ukrainian, English.

Participation fee:  free for international participants.

Participation Requirements:

– Register by May 25, 2025.

– Submit a properly formatted abstract.

Participants also have the opportunity to submit articles for publication in theCategory B professional journal “Beekeeping of Ukraine.” More details are available via the provided link.

Registered participants will receive a certificate and an electronic collection of conference materials. Online participants will receive an access link via the email provided during registration.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!


Abstracts should be submitted in Ukrainian or English in .doc or .docx format electronically. The length should be up to 3 A4 pages, including figures, tables, and references, with the following margins: left and right – 2.0 cm, top and bottom – 2.5 cm, paragraph indentation 1 cm. Font Times New Roman, size 12 pt, line spacing 1.


  • Title (in uppercase letters)
  • Author’s full name and initials, academic degree, position
  • Email of the corresponding author
  • Institution name, city (in italics), country
  • Abstract should include: introduction (relevance), purpose, materials and methods, results, and conclusions.
  • References should be listed at the end in alphabetical order in the original language following APA format.

File naming convention: FirstAuthorSurname_Abstracts.

The editorial board reserves the right to partially edit abstracts and reject submissions that do not comply with the formatting and writing requirements.

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